5th Grade Muusic and Chorus Lessons Week of June 8 - 12

Chorus Lesson

* Sing the "Star Spangled Banner" without looking at the words. Use a lot of air so you can sing loudly at the end and hit the high notes. Start out medium volume then get louder as the song goes on.

* Practice singing "Bare Necessities" without looking at the words.

*Also sing "I Wanna Be Like You." I know that was a favorite song from the play for many of you.

* Review singing all of "Nothing More." Think about your time at Newfield while singing the song and the meaning of the words.

Music Lesson

* Review singing the song called "Epo I Tai Tai E" Level 3. I will show the motions again in a video on the google stream.

* I am going to miss you all so much. I am so glad you got to do a winter concert together but sad about not being able to do "The Jungle Book." I wish you all the best in middle school and hope you come back to visit. Think of your favorite part of music or chorus this year. It could be a song or dance you learned or working on the play. Instead of doing a  google form list your favorite part of music or chorus on the google stream so everyone can see! And I will also have a video to say goodbye to you all.  


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